Google Translate mit 13 neuen Sprachen von Amharisch über Friesisch bis Xhosa – jetzt insgesamt 103

Website Google Translate
Insgesamt 103 Sprachen bietet der maschinelle Übersetzungsdienst von Google nun an.

Google Translate bietet seit Mitte Februar 13 neue Sprachen an: Amharisch, Korsisch, Friesisch, Kirgisisch, Hawaiianisch, Kurdisch (Kurmanji), Luxemburgisch, Samoaner, Schottisch-Gälisch, Shona, Sindhi, Paschtu und Xhosa. Insgesamt unterstützt der maschinelle Übersetzungsdienst nun 103 Sprachen.

Sveta Kelman, Senior Program Manager bei Google Translate, schreibt dazu:

In 2006, we started with machine learning-based translations between English and Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Almost 10 years later, with today’s update, we now offer 103 languages that cover 99% of the online population. The 13 new languages – Amharic, Corsican, Frisian, Kyrgyz, Hawaiian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Luxembourgish, Samoan, Scots Gaelic, Shona, Sindhi, Pashto and Xhosa – help bring a combined 120 million new people to the billions who can already communicate with Translate all over the world.


So what goes into adding a new language? Beyond the basic criteria that it must be a written language, we also need a significant amount of translations in the new language to be available on the web. From there, we use a combination of machine learning, licensed content and Translate Community.


As we scan the Web for billions of already translated texts, we use machine learning to identify statistical patterns at enormous scale, so our machines can „learn“ the language. But, as already existing documents can’t cover the breadth of a language, we also rely on people like you in Translate Community to help improve current Google Translate languages and add new ones, like Frisian and Kyrgyz. So far, over 3 million people have contributed approximately 200 million translated words.

[Text: Richard Schneider. Quelle: Google-Blog, 2016-02-17. Bild: Richard Schneider.]